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A large white table surrounded by white chairs on a buffed concrete floor. Natural light filters through the semi transparent white curtains behind the TV, which has the Battle Royal Studios logo on it. Through a ceiling height window on the left, we can see the open working space with computer monitors and office chairs.A large white table surrounded by white chairs on a buffed concrete floor. Natural light filters through the semi transparent white curtains behind the TV, which has the Battle Royal Studios logo on it. Through a ceiling height window on the left, we can see the open working space with computer monitors and office chairs.
(c) Caroline Scharff

Battle Royal GmbH
Glogauer Straße 17
10999 Berlin

+49 (0)302 0847 7750

Mit Representationen in
London • Dubai • Riyadh • Sydney

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Battle Royal GmbH
Glogauer Strasse 17
10999 Berlin

With representation in
London • Dubai • Riyadh • Sydney